Home News 9 properties ‘corrected’ to settlement zone in Regional Plan using Section 17(2)...

9 properties ‘corrected’ to settlement zone in Regional Plan using Section 17(2) of TCP Act


Aug 9 – TCP Dept has notified ‘correction’ of zone of 9 properties across the state to settlement zone in Regional Plan 2021 using provisions of section 17(2) of TCP Act. The nine properties corrected to settlement zone include – Mulgao, Bicholim (Survey number 191/1-A ), 3 properties at Deao, Quepem( survey numbers 94/1 (Part), 90/1 (Part), 84/1 (Part)), Cortalim (survey numbers 87/15-A and 87/15-B), Navelim, Salcete (78/5 (Part)), Verna( 100/7 (Part)) and Assagao ( 142/1 (Part)) .