Home News 5 Show Cause notices slapped on 4 Smart City contactors for work...

5 Show Cause notices slapped on 4 Smart City contactors for work delays


Digital Goa, July 4 – Show cause notices have been issued to 4 Smart City Contractors for delay in completion of 5 works and also for their lackadaisical approach towards the works. Two show cause notices have been issued by Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Limited (IPSCDL) while 3 have been issued by PWD. Bagkiya Constructions Pvt Ltd has been issued two show cause notices – one for Smart City Headquarter and other for 24×7 water supply related work. Bangalore based Sky Group which has taken up work of GIS based master plan for Panaji under AMRUT mission has also been issued notice. Prasad Sheth from Nuvem, who was assigned the task of setting up laboratory at Altinho and Hyderabad based NAR Infra Pvt Ltd responsible for sump and other water supply related work have also been issued notices. “In the first round 5 show notices have been issued to the companies asking them to show cause as to why the delays have taken place and what are the steps they would be taking to make good this timeline deficit which is being experienced,” said Smart City MD Sanjit Rodrigues. He went on to add that the govt will not fall short of terminating their contract and taking new contractors on board if the need be.