Home News Grant-in-aid scheme for Sanjivani Sugar factory extended by 6 months

Grant-in-aid scheme for Sanjivani Sugar factory extended by 6 months


Digital Goa, July 30 – Goa govt has extended the scheme for providing financial assistance in the form of Grant-in-Aid to the Sanjivani Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. (SSSKL) for further period of six month or till the VRS is given to employees, whichever is earlier. Under the scheme Grant-in-Aid is to be utilised for payment of operating expenditure including the salary/wages to staff and other expenditure, payment of harvesting charges to sugarcane harvester/farmers, for payment towards maintenance of buildings and karkhana , for cultivating the area on the farm attached to SSSKL and also for meeting any other expenditure related to operation and maintenance of karkhana.