Home News All 191 panchayats across Goa to go online from November first week

All 191 panchayats across Goa to go online from November first week


Digital Goa, Oct 10 – Multiple visits to panchayats to avail various services, certificates and licences issued through them will be a thing of the past very soon as all panchayats across Goa are slated to go online from the first week of November. “All 191 Panchayats across Goa will go online from first week of November,” announced Panchayat Director Siddhi Halarnkar. She said that in the initial phase services such as House Tax payment, birth & death certificates, trade and other licence renewal, NOC for electricity and water etc will go online. Services such as issuing of construction licence, occupancy certificate etc will be offered subsequently, she added. Halarnkar opined that going online will help the panchayats increase its revenue as people will be able to avail services and make payments online thus reducing pending arrears. The services will be made available on the Directorate of Panchayat website https://panchayatsgoa.gov.in/