Home News Draft Electoral Rolls to be made available for scrutiny from Oct 27...

Draft Electoral Rolls to be made available for scrutiny from Oct 27 to Dec 9


Digital Goa, Oct 26- Draft Electoral Rolls will be made available for scrutiny by citizens from 27-10-2023 (Friday) till 9-12-2023 (Saturday) in the premises of the respective Polling Stations where last election for Parliamentary Constituencies and Assembly Constituencies were held. Public can file their claims, objections and inclusion of their names by December 9, stated a release by Election Commission of India. Those who will attain the age of 18 years as on 01-01-2024 as qualifying date and other citizens whose names are not included can get their names included in the Electoral Rolls using the portal https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or by contacting block level officers. Final Publication of electoral roll will be completed on Jan 5, 2024.