80 schools in Goa to be equipped with multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Labs


    Digital Goa, Jan 21 – Eighty schools in Goa will soon be having specialised multi-disciplinary Artificial Intelligence( AI) labs equipped with kits ranging from advanced robotics to Smart City and smart agriculture to space exploration. The AI labs are proposed to be used by grades 1 to 12 . Multidisciplinary kits in the labs will include Advance Robotics, AI Bionic Arm, Space Exploration, Vision Visual ( with smart solution for visual analysis), Voice Interaction, Satellite Communication, Weather Station, Smart Health, Smart Agriculture and a Smart City kit comprising of diverse array of sensors, displays, controllers, and sophisticated data processing mechanisms. The bidder is expected to implement a comprehensive teaching and learning platform, accessible through web application with provision for minimum 32 learning sessions which will includes 7 introductory sessions and 25 practical session. The labs will be set up in 80 schools across Goa – 74 in North Goa at Pernem(22), Bardez(18), Tiswadi(30), Sattari(4) and 6 in South Goa- Salcete (1), Dharbandora(2), Quepem(2) and Canacona(1). Goa Govt has invited bids for Supply, Delivery, Installation, Training & Maintenance of Hardware Kits and Software for these AI Labs. The labs are to be setup using the MPLAD funds. Goa board had earlier announced of introducing AI as an optional subject for Class IX students from the academic year 2023-24, but had later decided to keep the decision on hold.