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Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi Yojana


Department of Social Welfare Directorate of Social Welfare

___ Notification 83/12/2023-24-SDB/MSNY/7397

The Government of Goa is hereby pleased to devise a scheme to provide financial assistance of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) as grants to NGOs of State of Goa. 1. Short title and commencement.— a) This scheme shall be called as Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi Yojana. b) It shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.— a) ‘Government’ means the Government of Goa. b) ‘Secretary’ means the Secretary of Social Welfare, Government of Goa. c) ‘Director’ means the Director of Social Welfare, Government of Goa. d) ‘NGO’ means Non Government Organization duly registered under Societies Registration Act of 1860, in the State of Goa. 3. Objective of the scheme.— The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to registered NGOs of State of Goa for the purpose of organizing activities such as Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Competitions, Medical Camps, Awareness Camps etc., in the State of Goa. 4. Target group and eligibility.— (1) The scheme shall be applicable to all the NGOs registered under Societies Registration Act of 1860, in the State of Goa. (2) The NGO shall submit audited statements of accounts of last three years as well as a copy of Memorandum of Association & Article of Association while applying for financial assistance under the scheme. (3) The NGO’s applying for financial assistance under this scheme shall be working for the welfare of senior citizens, persons with disabilities & other weaker sections of the society and the activities such as Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Competitions, Medical Camps, Awareness Camps etc., to be undertaken shall be only for the cause of such sections.

5. Financial assistance.— (a) Under the scheme maximum amount of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh only) shall be sanctioned for the period of one financial year by the Directorate of Social Welfare for the purpose of undertaking any of the activities as mentioned at Clause 3. The amount sanctioned shall be released in two equal installments in the form of grants. NGO’s can claim any amount within the limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs only either for one activity, at a time or various activities split over that particular financial year. (b) The NGO shall contribute atleast 20% of the cost of the proposed activity and the 80% of the cost shall be sanctioned under the scheme subject to the maximum of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh only) per Financial Year. The proof of such contribution shall be provided to the Director of Social Welfare. (c) The NGO shall submit a statement of the organizing activities such as Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Competitions, Medical Camps and Awareness Camps etc. and details of expenditure made for the said purpose including the expenditure for refreshment/food, hiring charges of venue, conveyance charges etc., and honorarium, accommodation, travelling food etc., for guest speaker. 6. Mode of application.— Application form for financial assistance shall be submitted to the Director of Social Welfare for North Goa District & District Welfare Office, Margao for South Goa District in the prescribed application form atleast three months in advance of the proposed activities; and shall be accompanied with the following documents: (1) A copy of Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Society, State of Goa. (2) Detailed project report of the proposed activities giving financial implications. (3) Audited accounts statement of the last three years.

7. Director of Social Welfare shall be sanctioning authority. 8. Amendment of scheme.— This scheme may be amended from time to time and in such manner as deemed fit by the Government. 9. Head of account.— The expenditure on the implementation of this scheme shall be met from provisions made under Demand No. 57, Budget Head 2235—Social Security & Welfare; 02—Social Welfare; 200—Other Programme; 21—Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi to NGO’s; 31—Grant-in-aid. 10. Other terms and conditions.— (1) The grant of financial assistance under the scheme cannot be claimed as a matter of right. (2) The amount sanctioned under this scheme shall be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned. Within a period of 15 days from the date of proposed activities, the utilization certificate as per GFR-12-A and the proof of 20% contribution by NGO with detailed accounts in this regard and a report on the conduct of such activity alongwith photographs shall be submitted to the Director of Social Welfare. 11. Interpretation and relaxation.— (1) The Secretary of Social Welfare shall be the final authority concerning the interpretation of this scheme. (2) Government may relax any of the provisions of this scheme. 12. Government may modify any of the clauses as and when required.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

Ajit Panchwadkar, Director of Social Welfare & ex officio Addl. Secretary (SW). Panaji, 23rd January, 2024.

Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi Yojana Scheme to
provide financial assistance to NGO’s
The Director,
Directorate of Social Welfare,
18th June Road, Panaji.
The Dy. Director,
District Welfare Office, Margao.
Sub: Financial Assistance under Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi Yojana.
We propose to organize ________________________________________________________
under the Mukhyamantri Sahayata Nidhi Yojana for which details are given as under:

  1. Name of the NGO :
  2. Address of the NGO :
  3. Contact No.: :
  4. No. and date of registration :
    with the competent authority
    (copy enclosed)
  1. Brief history of the NGO : To be attached.
  2. Details of proposed activity : To be attached.
  3. Details of financial implication : To be attached.
    giving item wise breakup
  4. Tentative scheduled of the :
  5. Venue identified of the :
    proposed activity
  6. Number of participants :
  7. Level of participant :
  8. Resource persons available/ : To be enclosed.
    /to be arranged with their
    names and addresses
    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    ( )
    ( )
    Official Stamp of NGO
    Documents to be attached:
  9. Brief History of the NGO.
  10. A copy of registration certificate issued by competent authority.
  11. A copy of Bank Pass Book of the NGO.
  12. Resolution by the Executive Committee of the NGO.
  13. Audited/Unaudited statement of last two years.
  14. Details of proposed activity.
  15. Details of financial implication.
    N.B.: The amount of financial assistance under this scheme will be provided to the tune of Rs. 5,00,000/- or 80% of
    the cost whichever is less and the same cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The amount sanctioned under
    this scheme shall be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned and the Utilization Certificate as
    per GFR-12-A shall be submitted to the Directorate of Social Welfare within a period of 15 days after the date
    of organization of the activities.