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7 sites across Goa to be declared as protected monuments; draft notification issued


Digital Goa, Feb 15 – Goa govt has issued a draft notification for declaring 7 sites across Goa as protected monuments or sites. These include, Betul Fort, Nanus Fort, Rock Engravings at Mauxi, Stone Circle at Baddem, Cotigao, Kranti Veer Deepaji Rane’s house at Kumbharkhand, Sattari, Soliye Temple, and tank of Shri Vazreshwar temple at Shree Shantadurga Ballikarin Sausthan. Govt has given two months notice of its intention to declare the said sites to be protected Monuments/Sites. Citizens interested in the said sites have been asked to forward their objection to the declaration if any to the Director of Archaeology, Government of Goa before the expiry of two months period.