MMC aims at Zero Waste Landfill; invites EOI for 10 TPD Gasification Technology based Waste Disposal plant Sonsodo


    Digital Goa, Feb 17 – A 10 Tonnes per day (TPD) Gasification Technology based Waste Disposal System is proposed to be setup at Sonsodo for treatment of Municipal Solid Waste. GOA ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY has invited Expression of Interest (EoI) cum e-Tender for the plant on behalf of Margao Municipal Council (MMC). The EOI is invited under two bid system for selection of eligible firm or Agency for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of the plant with 5 years Comprehensive operation and maintenance contract (CMC). MMC generates around 10 Tonnes per day (TPD) of inert and rejects which is presently sent to cement factories for co-incineration. The proposed plant is an effort to create an infrastructure for processing of the inert and rejects to achieve the goal of Zero Waste Landfill, states the tender document. In the first phase, the plant of the capacity of 10 TPD is planned.