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Mark profile status as employed in Employment Exchange, Govt to private sector employees seeking govt jobs


Aug 16- Goa govt has now made it mandatory for those employed in private sector and seeking govt jobs to update their status as employed in the Regional Employment Exchange(REE) and also submit an experience certificate to REE to this effect. The decision has been taken primarily because employment exchange data is used by various private and govt agencies including the NITI Aayog to decide on the unemployment rate of the state and most job seekers registered with REE generally mark their status an unemployed. “Any person who is employed in private establishment and seeking Government job is required to register his or her name in the Regional Employment Exchange as employed with experience certificate, so as to enable the Regional Employment Exchange to sponsor the name of such person against the notified vacancies in Public Sector or Government Sector” states a notification issued to this effect. In view of this Goa govt has directed all the establishments who engage any employee on regular, temporary, contract, apprentice, trainee etc. to issue experience certificates to all such employees/candidates so as to enable them to enroll/update their profile in the Regional Employment Exchange,Incidentally, Goa govt has also made minimum one year experience mandatory for govt jobs.