Home News AI Driven, Security Integrated Traffic Management & eChallan System on cards in...

AI Driven, Security Integrated Traffic Management & eChallan System on cards in Goa

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Digital Goa, Mar 14- State of the art Artificial Intelligence(AI) powered  traffic management system has been effectively deployed at the busy Merces junction on pilot basis, informed authorities. The intelligent, self-learning system developed by Beltech AI successfully managed traffic at the busiest junctions in Goa without any glitches, states a govt release. Beltech AI has implemented the project in PPP mode. The system observed the traffic at Merces Junction for 2 weeks, using the 16 cameras which they had installed at the junction. After two weeks, the signal was switched on in phases under the supervision of the local traffic authorities. Over the following 3 weeks, the AI learnt and improved further. After deployment of the system, the peak wait-time at the junction, which was earlier 12-15 minutes, has now been reduced to 4-6 minutes. Earlier, there used to be 4 constables managing traffic at the junction, but now there is only 1, and that too only as a precaution, informed authorities.  AI can detect emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire-trucks and automatically clears the road. If deployed at full scale, the system is designed in such a way that all the signals in the city/state constantly talk to each other, thus optimising traffic at not only a junction level, but city/state level.  AI can also detect vehicles which violate the traffic rules and make the road unsafe for everyone. E-challan is automatically raised to such offenders. – All the data from the signals is available in real-time at Central Command and Control Centers of the authorities. This can be used for public safety. Signals can also be controlled remotely.  Incidentally, this the system has also been used to reduce the traffic congestion in Bengaluru.