Ban on 15 years old vehicles: govt to invite EOI for identifying land for scrapped vehicles


    Digital Goa, May 31 – Govt is in the process of identifying land for discarding 15 years old vehicles which are to be scrapped as per the Central govt policy. Expression of Interest will be soon invited for this purpose said Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho. All the govt vehicles which are more than 15 years old will be scrapped first followed by private vehicles, he added. Earlier, he handed over 10 portable speed radars guns to the police dept for using on Goan roads to keep control on speeding vehicles. Goa government has notified the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Policy of Goa, 2023 earlier this month. Nearly 1.92 lakh vehicles, mostly over 15 years old, are set to be fit for scrapping this year in Goa. Moreover, over next five years, additional 3.5 lakh vehicles will cross the 15-year age limit.