CM Pramod Sawant presents annual budget


    Digital Goa, Feb 8 – Goa CM Pramod Sawant presented the Goa Budget 2024-2025 today. This is the 5th budget present by Sawant
    Highlights of the budget- Part I
    ▪️ Fiscal profile – Gross State Domestic Product(GSDP) 2023-24 advanced is estimated at Rs 1.06532 lakh crore. As compared to growth rate of 11.6 % in 2022-23 , the growth rate this year is estimated to be 13.73 %
    ▪️ Per capita income of the state in Financial Year 2023-24 is estimated at 6.75 lakh
    ▪️ For the financial year 2024-25 Gross State Domestic Product is expected to grow to Rs 1.21309 lakh crore at proposed growth rate of 13.87 % and Per Capita income is expected to grow to Rs 7.64 lakh. Confident that this target will be achieved
    ▪️ Estimate of Income for financial year 2024-2025 – Rs 26,465 Crores
    Estimated income for financial year 2023-2024 – Rs 25,258 Crores
    Estimated Revised Expenditure Estimate for financial year 2024-2025 – Rs 26,855 crore
    Special Financial Assistance received from Center – Rs 750 crore
    Rs 1506 crore Assistance expected from Center in 2025-24
    In 2022-23 – Rs 2,399.21 crore revenue surplus.
    Projected revenue surplus for Financial year 2024-25 – Rs 1,720 crore
    Fiscal Deficit for 2024-25 is likely to be Rs 3,149 crore (within FRBM Limits)
    ▪️ Planning and Statistics
    Provision of Rs 43 crore for Planning and Statistics. Rs 10 crore for Data analysis Center which analyses govt data for helping in proposing schemes, weeding out ineligible beneficiaries ,add eligible ones etc.
    ▪️ 100 % Saturation of Centers flagship Schemes
    ▪️ By using Information & Communication Technology 61 Centrally sponsored and 104 State schemes– together 165 scheme benefits directly transferred to beneficiaries
    ▪️ To implement Schemes related to Aadhar in 2024-25 – Rs 75 lakh provision

    ▪️ For Swayampurna Goa 2.0 provision of Rs 10 crore
    ▪️ For Goa SCR Authority –Rs 25 lakh provision
    ▪️ Chief Minster Fellowship Program – number of fellows increased to 20 and provision of Rs 93 lakh
    ▪️ Goa Institute of Future Transformation Scheme – Rs 42 lakh
    ▪️ Through Dedicated Cell to follow up with Center for Centrally sponsored Schemes, Rs 5395 Crore worth schemes were allotted by the center in 2022-23
    ▪️ CMRY for promoting Entrepreneurship and CM Interest Rebate Scheme-Provision of Rs 6.5 crore
    ▪️ Focus on Infrastructure Development in Tourism, IT, Industry, Employment. Permission granting to be made more robust
    ▪️ General administration and coordination- Rs 166 crore more
    ▪️ For GIPARD for training, research, consultancy Rs 2.5 crore
    ▪️ Rs 250 crore Sate-of-the-art prashasan stamn Rs 30 crroe to be completed in 3 years
    ▪️ Rs 10 crore for renovation of memorial of first CM of Goa Bhausaheb Bandodkar through GSIDC at Miramar
    ▪️ Housing loan Scheme for govt employees to restart – provision of Rs 15 crore.
    ▪️ Health – Provision of Rs 2121.86 crore
    ▪️ GMC Hospital – Rs 1071 crore – Rs 890 crore revenue and Rs 181 crore capital expenditure
    ▪️ Training and research at Center of Excellence – Rs 3 crore for Doctor and Nurses
    ▪️ Directorate of Health Services – provision of Rs 838 crore
    ▪️ South Goa 50 bedded AYUSH Integrated Hospital to be completed in 2024-25
    ▪️ Mother and Child Health Center, AYUSH Opthalmic OPD at Shiroda
    ▪️ Dental College – Rs 75 crore – Digitisation of OPD. Dental Hostel worth Rs 15 crore to be ready this years
    ▪️ IPHB – Rs 82 crore. With central assistance 100 bedded hospital to start by end of 2024. Day care center for those with mental illness will be started
    ▪️ PWD – Provision increased by 10.75 % for 2024-25 and stands at Rs 2,976 crore
    ▪️ 10 Work proposals submitted to Center under Central Road Infrastructure Fund worth Rs 350 core on 100% reimbursement basis