Home News Comprehensive e-health system for automating GMC Hospital & linked health facilities on...

Comprehensive e-health system for automating GMC Hospital & linked health facilities on cards


Digital Goa, June 22 – Goa govt has plans to set up a comprehensive integrated e-Health system for automating its various health facilities. The system will be equipped with facilities such as real time patient monitoring including ICU and Operation Theater monitoring, queue management, centralized data management etc. GMC has floated a tender for selection of System Integrator for Development of Integrated IT Infrastructure comprising of Health Management Information System (HMIS), Queue Management System(QMS), Network Infrastructure, Data Centre and Warehouse and Campus Management Software. In the first phase the system is to be implemented at Goa Medical College & Hospital, Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour – Bambolim, TB and Chest Disease Hospital – St. Inez, Rural Health and Training Centre – Mandur and the Urban Health Centre at St. Cruz. The project will be awarded in design-build-maintain-transfer (DBMT) model for a period of 3 years. The e-health system solution which will be implemented in the above facilities in the first phase will be implemented in new CHCs, UHCs and Hospital that may come up in future.