Home News CoP notifies hike in fees, rentals & other charges for casino, fishing...

CoP notifies hike in fees, rentals & other charges for casino, fishing and other vessels


Digital Goa, May 31 – Captain of ports (CoP) has notified revised mooring fees, jetty rental charges and rents for casinos, floating restaurants, river cruise boats and fishing vessels. Offshore casinos will have to pay Rs 100 per sqm every month for mooring in waters that fall under the jurisdiction of the CoP. The Mooring charges per sqm per month for floating hotels/restaurants are Rs 50 for floating jetty/Platform/Pontoon Rs 20 , for Offshore Vessel/Transhippers Rs 20 and for other vessels it is Rs 20.
▪️ Draft notification had proposed much higher mooring fees
Interestingly, the draft notification which was released in Feb 2023 and kept open for public feedback for 15 days by CoP had proposed much higher mooring fees. For Offshore casinos, offshore vessels, transhippers and floating restaurants Rs 500 per sqm every month was proposed as mooring fees.
CoP has also increased the rentals and charges for using jetty spaces and riverine land for all vessels including casino/office, river cruise, fishing and water sports. COP notification also states that the rental charges shall be increased by 10% of the rate of such charges last payable, after every twelve months
Notification https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-8-SI-EOG-2.pdf