Home News Dairy co-operatives to get infra subsidy upto Rs 3.75 lakh

Dairy co-operatives to get infra subsidy upto Rs 3.75 lakh


Nov 14- Goa govt has notified “Infrastructure Development Scheme for Dairy Co-operatives” by way of Grant or Subsidy to meet the administrative and managerial expenses on staff salaries and allowances, wages, office expenses, rent rates and taxes and equipments. Under the scheme Dairy Co-operative Societies under General Category who are regularly supplying the milk to the Milk Union are eligible for grants from Rs 30,000 upto Rs 1.50 lakh. Dairy Co-operative Societies under Tribal Sub Plan/Schedule Caste Sub Plan can get grants in the range of Rs 50,000 to Rs 3.75 lakh based on daily collection of milk.