Home News Drugs sold to students through pastry shops Venzy tells the House

Drugs sold to students through pastry shops Venzy tells the House


Digital Goa, July 26 – Anti Narcotic Cell(ANC) of Goa police will be asked to check pastry shops, if they have any doubt that narcotic drugs are being sold there, CM Pramod Sawant informed the House today. He was responding to a concern raised by AAP MLA Venzy Viegas that students in Goa are being targeted by the drug mafia through cakes and pastry shops. Viegas alleged that some pastry shops sell brownies and cake out of Marijuana. “Raiding every pastry shop will disturb their business, hence only where there are doubts will be checked,” asserted CM.
Incidentally, total of 16 teenagers including juvenile have been booked for illegal possession of narcotic drugs from the year 2018 to 2023 (upto 30.06.2023) and 6 of these were students studying in various educational institutions.