Enemy property to be e-auctioned if occupant refuses purchase offer:  Union Home Ministry amends guidelines


    Digital Goa, March 19 – Union Home Ministry has amended the guidelines for disposal of the enemy properties in the country. Nearly 295 properties amounting to around 3.5 lakh sqr mtr of land have been identified as enemy property if Goa so far. The amendment to the Guidelines for the disposal of Enemy Property Order, 2018 issued by the Union Home Ministry on March 17,2023  states , “the process for eviction of enemy properties shall be initiated with the help of the District Magistrate or Deputy Commissioner before the sale of the properties; (b) valued below Rs. One Crore, the Custodian shall offer for purchase to the occupant first and if offer of purchase is refused by the occupant, then the enemy property shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedure specified in sub-paras (c) and (d); (c) having valuation of Rs. One Crore and below Rs. hundred Crore, shall be disposed of by Custodian of Enemy Property for India through e-auction or other-wise as may be decided by Central Government and at the rate as determined by the Enemy Property Disposal Committee; (d) the e-auction platform of public enterprise, the Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Limited shall be used by the Custodian of Enemy Property for India for e-auction of Enemy Properties.”     

    There are a total of 12,611 establishments called enemy property, across the country roughly estimated to be worth over Rs 1 lakh crore, in the country.