Ex-Pernem civic chief asked to surrender in 2013 minor assault case


    Digital Goa, Feb 29 – High Court has asked Dr Vasudev Deshprabhu to surrender before the Children’s Court for undergoing the sentence, in the minor assault case of 2013 within a period of four weeks from today. In November, 2023 the Goa Children’s Court had sentenced the former Pernem Municipal Council (PMC) chairperson to undergo three months simple imprisonment and pay a fine of Rs 1.5 lakh for abusing and assaulting three minor boys at Mapusa. The Court had however suspended the implementation of the order till December 12, so as to allow the accused to challenge it in the High Court. Accordingly, Deshprabhu had filed the appeal in HC. The High Court gave its final order in the appeal today. When the three boys were having snacks on the terrace of the building in which Deshprabhu resides, he had allegedly assaulted them with a wooden object.