Home Uncategorized MoRTH to acquire 1.28 lakh sq mtr land at Dharbandora for four...

MoRTH to acquire 1.28 lakh sq mtr land at Dharbandora for four landing of NH 748


Aug 28 – Ministry of Road Transport and Highways(MoRTH) has issued a public notice announcing intention to acquire land, admeasuring an area of 1,28,858 Square meters (12.8858 Hectare) at Dharbandora for Four laning of NH-748. All the persons interested in such land have been asked to appear before the Competent Authority of Land Acquisition (CALA), Office of the Special Land Acquisition Officer, PWD (cell), Altinho, Panaji-Goa either in person or by an agent or by a legal practitioner and state the nature of their respective interest in such land on or before Sept 14 between 10am to 5.45 pm.