Home Crime Gang attempting to steal money from cash counter of wine shop at...

Gang attempting to steal money from cash counter of wine shop at Baina using child held by Vasco police


Digital Goa, May 28-Vasco police apprehended a group of 3 women for attempting to steal money from the cash counter of a wine shop at Baina, Vasco by sending a child inside the shop by diverting attention of the person at the counter. The 3 women approached the wine shop along with 2 children stating that they wanted to buy beer. While the person at the counter was busy the child who accompanied the women came inside the shop and removed money from the cash counter. Before the child could run out with the money, she was caught by the alert wine shop employee. But she managed to run out of the shop along with the women accompanying her. The owner upon receiving the information submitted the CCTV footage to the PCR van. Police managed to locate the group and apprehend them.