Home News GIDC releases details of Exit Support Scheme for sick industrial units

GIDC releases details of Exit Support Scheme for sick industrial units


June 27 – Goa Industrial Development Corporation(GIDC) today released the details of the “Goa-IDC Exit Support Scheme” formulated for sick industrial units. The scheme facilitates the exit of non-functional Industrial Undertakings across several industrial estates in the state of Goa. The scheme which has come into force with effect from June 25, 2024, shall be valid for one year. GIDC is expected to publish the list of sick units available for transfer in the local newspapers as well as website and circulate the same to all industry bodies for dissemination .
Govt is hopeful that the scheme will benefit 423 sick units and release land to the tune of 12.75 lakh sq mtr in Industrial Estates for use of other businesses and industries.