Home News GKA announces schemes for Konkani enthusiasts

GKA announces schemes for Konkani enthusiasts


July 16-  Goa Konkani Akademi(GKA) has announced several schemes for the financial year 2024-2025 and invited applications from interested authors  and publishers. GKA provides upto 75 % financial assistance under the schemes. 

The schemes include, First Book publication Scheme- (75% financial assistance for publication of author’s first book, Literature (70% financial assistance for book publishing), Pratibha Sanman Yojana- (Publication Assistance- Purchase of books from publisher- Books from January 2023 to December 2023). Children’s Literature Publication- (70% financial assistance for book publishing). Konkani Drama -Mand Scheme (75% financial assistance for book publication), Folklore Book Publication Scheme- (70% financial assistance for publication of folklore books) and Educational Literature Publication Scheme – (70% financial assistance for educational book publication). Applications have also been invited from interested institutions students for the following schemes: Financial assistance for organization of workshops/ camps on educational, children’s literature, folklore, translation, music, Author to you and student author to visit- (Scholarship for students studying in Goa at BA) MA/PhD levels), Konkani Music Program Production- (Application from an institution working in the field of music) Folklore Research Scholarship/ Folklore Project(Financial for documentation and research). Application forms for the scheme can also be obtained from the Goa Konkani Akademi, Goa benches Bhavan, BSNL building, 5th Floor, Patto, Panaji-Goa. The deadline for interested candidate to submit written applications is July 30, 2024. For more information, please contact the Goa KonkaniAkademi on: 7775891857, states a release by GKA.