Goa Govt assures the House to come up with Scrapyard regulation Policy within next 3 months


    Digital Goa, July 24 – Goa govt will come up with a Scrapyard policy within next 3 months, Minister Babush Monserrate assured the house today. The minister was responding to a LAQ by Yuri Alemao on scrapyards operating in Goa. The LoP alleged that 600 odd illegal scrapyards are operational in the state with the backing of the govt. The Goa Waste Management Corporation(GWMC) is in the process of framing policy for Registration of Scrapyard, which will address issues of legal scrapyards, illegal scrapyards, registration of scrapyard etc. the Minister added. Goa govt had formulated the “The Goa Waste (Scrap) recycling Units Scheme”in 2010, however the scheme had expired in 2017.