Home Uncategorized Goa IPB announces service desk for investor query handling and grievance redressal

Goa IPB announces service desk for investor query handling and grievance redressal


*Goa IPB announces service desk for investor query handling and grievance redressal* 

Aug 24- Goa Investment Promotion Board has announced creation of a service desk for investor query handling and grievance redressal as part of its initiative to facilitate Ease of Doing Business (EODB). Investors can raise queries or grievances through  Goa-online portal using the Query Submission under All Services Tab or by writing to ipb.goa@gmail.com. The timeline for query as well as grievance redressal is set as 7 days. Following officials have also been designated for the purpose – Tulasidas Pai, OSD to Goa-IPB (9730646666),  Anand Pandit, Administration officer (9767644159) and Krishna Narvekar, Industries Inspector (8668483872). 

Details – https://www.goa.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/SERVICE-DESK-IN-GOA.pdf