High Court imposes Rs 25,000 fine on Aldona Sarpanch for filing false affidavit


    Digital Goa, July 3 – High Court today imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on Aldona Sarpanch for filing a false affidavit and neglecting to set up mandatory Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at the Panchayat. The court reprimanded the Sarpanch for misguiding by providing incorrect information and alleging that Goa State Pollution Control Board(GSPCB) was making false claims. As per the order of the bench, when GSPCB inspected the MRF at Aldona on June 30, it was found to be closed. However, sarpanch submitted an affidavit before the court and claimed that the MRF facility was operational. The affidavit also stated that GSPCB’s submission was false. When GSPCB brought the facts to the notice of the Court, the court imposed fine on the Sarpanch. The suo motu petition on garbage management has now been posted for hearing on July 25.