Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa govt has reconstituted the 31 member Goa State Board for Wildlife. The board members include representatives of state and central governments departments and also representatives of various environment related NGOs and is chaired...
Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa government has notified speed limits for 21 different road stretches across the state. For all roads in Panaji except DBB Marg the speed limit is 40 Km per hour, on Bhanastari, Siridao and...
Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa govt has reconstituted the 31 member Goa State Board for Wildlife. The board members include representatives of state and central governments departments and also representatives of various environment related NGOs and is chaired...
Digital Goa, May 26- State Electricity Department has filed petition with JERC for approval of Truing up of Financial Year 2020-21 & Financial Year 2021-22 in accordance with the JERC Regulations (Generation, Transmission and Distribution Multi Year Tariff) Regulations,...
Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa government has notified speed limits for 21 different road stretches across the state. For all roads in Panaji except DBB Marg the speed limit is 40 Km per hour, on Bhanastari, Siridao and...
Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa govt has reconstituted the 31 member Goa State Board for Wildlife. The board members include representatives of state and central governments departments and also representatives of various environment related NGOs and is chaired...
Digital Goa, May 24 – Goa govt will conduct a survey to study the impact of various govt schemes and programmes on the lives of the people of Goa by spending Rs 33 lakh. State cabinet today granted its...
Digital Goa, May 24 – Goa govt is slated to introduce a new scheme for Konkani and Marathi schools wherein 10% non-salary, maintenance grants will be given for these schools subject to availability of funds with the Education department....
Digital Goa, May 24 – Perturbed over inaction by the authorities regarding their demand of action on wholesale and roadside fish sellers, the retail fish vendors from Vasco resorted to a novel method of protest today. They started sale...
Digital Goa, May 24 - If projects of Goa State Urban Development Agency (GSUDA) and the Urban Development Ministry are not completed or exceed the allotted timeline, money will be recovered from the concerned officers monitoring the project. “Such...