Home Uncategorized Goa govt notifies increase in infrastructure tax

Goa govt notifies increase in infrastructure tax


Digital Goa, Apr 6 –    Goa govt has notified increase Infrastructure Tax for residential, commercial, industrial buildings etc. For Residential building or structure having a built up area which admeasures 101 sq. mts. or above, the rate of infrastructure tax payable, *per square meter of built up area* is as follows:

▪️  Category A  For Coastal Panchayat area and five major towns, namely, Panaji, Mapusa, Ponda, Mormugao and Margao infrastructure tax  has been increased from Rs 200 to Rs   350

▪️  Category B  Other Municipal towns,  Census towns and Village Panchayats adjoining or contiguous to the major towns of Panaji, Mapusa, Ponda, Mormugao and Margao infrastructure tax  has been increased from Rs 200 to Rs   300

▪️  Category C  Other Village Panchayat areas   infrastructure tax  has been increased from Rs 200 to Rs   250

Similar increase in Infrastructure Tax has also been affected for Commercial building, Industrial building, Other Buildings,  Infrastructural Projects/ /facilities etc.  The Goa Tax on Infrastructure Act, 2009 (Goa Act 20 of 2009) has been changed to this effect.