Merit list for admissions to First Year Engineering and Pharmacy Degree courses to be released on June 21


    Digital Goa, June 13 – Directorate of Technical Education will display the Provisional Merit list of candidates for admissions to First Year of Engineering and Pharmacy Degree courses on June 20 on the DTE portal .The final merit list will be announced on the website on June 21 at 5 pm. The Round of Admission shall be conducted from Thursday, 22nd June, 2023 till Wednesday, 28th June, 2023 at Directorate of Technical Education, Porvorim, as per detailed schedule based on course, category and merit no., which shall be duly notified on the DTE website by 20th June, 2023. Schedule of admission to NEET based courses shall be notified later. All eligible candidates on the Merit List must attend the Admission Round in Person to select their Seats, states a public notice by DTE.