Mhadei matters: Karnataka told Supreme Court they do not have permission and have not started any work in Mhadei basin says AG

    AG Devidas Pangam
    File Photo

    Digital Goa, Feb 14 –  State of Karnataka has told the Supreme Court that they do not have any permissions to go ahead with Kalsa Bhadura Project and that they have not started any work there, informed Advocate General Devidas Pangam. He went on to add that all work done by Karnataka was prior to the Mahadayi Water Dispute Tribunal Award of 2018. “We have major advantage. Karnataka will not be able to divert water henceforth,” asserted AG. The apex court has reminded Karnataka of its previous order of March 2,2020 that work cannot be started on the projects till such time that all requisite permissions are obtained. If the need be Goa govt can reapply in the Supreme Court, he said.

    ▪️  *Supreme Court taking cognizance of proceedings with Chief Wildlife Warden a positive sign*

    Goa will have to ensure that proceedings initiated by the state at different levels from Supreme Court case to representations to various Central departments go on in the positive directions and are taken to logical conclusion, opined Pangam. He claimed that yesterday’s Supreme Court order in a positive sign for Goa as Supreme Court has also taken cognizance of the fact that proceedings are on with the Chief Wildlife Warden(CWW). The SC has asked the CWW to decide on its notice issued to Karnataka to stop the diversion of Mhadei.  As per section 29 of the Wildlife Protection Act, water in the wildlife sanctuary cannot be diverted, asserted AG. We will fight the legal battle in Supreme Court and oppose Forest Clearance, Wild Life Clearance etc. for the projects. Wherever possible we will try to block Karnataka from taking any steps forward towards obtaining permissions to start the Mhadei diversion projects,  said AG.