New legislation to regulate tourism sector on anvil; suggestions sought from stakeholders


    June 14- Goa govt has proposed “Goa Tourism Promotion, Management and Regulation (GTPMR) Bill, 2024” , for regulation of tourism sector in the State and sought feedback, objections and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft of the bill by July 6. As per the department the bill is a comprehensive legislation/Act to integrate and revamp the existing acts/rules/policies/ guidelines that govern various segments of the tourism Industry in Goa. Views have been sought from the travel & tourism trade, industry associations, policy advocacy groups and all interested stakeholders including the general public on the proposed bill. Suggestions may be sent on Email: on or before 06/07/2024, states the public notice issued in this regards. Although the public notice says the draft bill GTPMR 2024 is available on actually only the 2023 version is available on the website at