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Traffic to be diverted from Nov 25 to Dec 4 in view of Old Goa Novenas and feast


Digital Goa, Nov 20 – North Goa Collector has issued order for diversion of Traffic, Parking of Vehicles and closure of some roads from Nov 25 to Dec 4 in view of Novenas and feast of St. Francis Xavier at Old Goa.

Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa has issued an order diverting traffic and Parking for vehicles, from 00:00 hrs of November 25, 2023to24:00 hrs of December 04, 2023 in view of the Novenas and feast of St. Francis Xavier at Old Goa. The Diversions will be on the routes from Panaji to Old Goa via Ribandar.

There will be Special Buses to ferry passengers from Panjim to OldGoa via Ribandar. The Special Buses from panaji to Old Goa will proceed via Ribandar and on reaching Dempo Engineering at Old Goa, will take left turn to enter the Bhakia Property for parking at Bhakia Bus Stand . The Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers on reaching Dempo Engineering at Old Goa will take left turn to enter Bhakia property for parking.

The vehicles carrying Disabled Persons will be allowed to come up to Old Goa Church junction and park their vehicles in the GTDC parking lot and in the open space opposite Sulabh Shauchalaya near Old Goa Panchayat. The vehicles parked in Bhakia property, GTDC parking lot and in the open space opposite Sulabh Shauchalaya near Old Goa Panchayat on their return journey to Panaji, will take the same route via Ribandar.

Panaji to Old Goa via Kadamba By-Pass: Panaji to Ponda Route Buses will not be allowed to proceed via Ribandar. Instead, they will be diverted at KTC Circle to proceed via Kadamba BY-Pass (NH-748).

The Two Wheelers andFourWheelers on reaching Kamat Gas Station junction will take left turn towards SantaMonica Convent and on reaching at St. Augustine Tower Junction will take further left turn and on reaching Habitat junction will take right turn and on reaching Dempo Engineering will take left turn to enter Bhakia property for parking.

All Heavy and Medium Vehicles will be diverted via Kadamba Bye-Pass NH-748. On Saturday, Sunday and on the Feast Day, Heavy and Medium Goods Vehicles desiring to proceed via Old Goa will be diverted at Karaswada junctiononNH-66and at Banastarim junction on NH-748 to proceed via Amona Bridge.

South Goa Vehicles: The road from Pilar to Old Goa will be ONEWAY for the movement to traffic. No vehicle from Old Goa will be allowed to return via Neura. All vehicles will exit via NH-748 at Merces. Four wheelers from South Goa will be allowed to come up to Ella Farm Gate and will park in the Ella Farm Field, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service open space. Two wheelers will be
parked in the private property prior to Neura junction and in the parking lots behind the Bom Jesus of Basilica. Buses coming from South Goa via Neura road on reaching Ella Farm Main Gate will take left turn and come to Bus Stand at Kunkolkar School Ground and will exit on NH-748 for onward journey. Ponda Side Vehicles: Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers coming from Ponda side on reaching near Pinto Garage will take left turn for parking at the ground behind Pinto Garage.

For return journey, the two wheelers and four wheelerswilltake the same route to go towards Ponda. The normal traffic fromPonda wantingto go to Panaji will not be allowed to proceed via Old Goa. They will be divertedto proceed via Old Goa Over Bridge – Kadamba By-Pass (NH-748). PondatoPanjim Route Buses will not be allowed to proceed via Old Goa Churchcomplex. Instead, they will be diverted at Neura junction to proceed via Kadamba By-Pass(NH-748).

Heavy vehicles coming from Ponda side will be diverted at Banastarimjunction via Amona Bridge to join NH-66 at Karaswada. The stretch of theroadbetween Old Goa Police Station to Church junction via house of the EX. MLA, Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar will be ONE WAY. No vehicle fromChurchjunctionwill be allowed to take right turn to reach Old Goa Police Station via houseof theEx. MLA, Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar.

Diwar Side Vehicles: The vehicles coming from Diwar to OldGoawillproceed via Viceroy’s Arch and will be parked in the courtyard of St. CajetanChruch. The vehicles coming from Diwar will proceed through ViceroryArchandArch of Conception to go towards Ponda and Panaji. Vehicles fromPondasidewanting to proceed to diwar will take right turn at Neura Junction and proceedtoDiwar Ferry via Old Goa Main Junction. The vehicles coming fromGaundaulimside and desiring to proceed to Diwar will take right turn near Shri. RameshNaikhouse to proceed to Diwar Jetty. The vehicles coming fromPanaji via Ribandartogo to diwar will take left turn at Old Goa Church junction, take the route towardsSt. Catherine Chapel and thereafter take left turn on the new by-lane to gotoDiwarJetty. The lane connecting Gaundaulim road to Arch of Conception will be

NOENTRY. The road from Old Goa Church junction towards Diwar FerryviaST. Catherine Chapel will be ONE WAY. No Heavy and Mediumvehicles will beallowed to cross Diwar Ferry. All such vehicles will use Ribandar Ferrytoenterand exit Diwar.

Parking Lots during said dates

Panaji – Old Goa (via Ribandar) Vehicles:Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers coming for Panaji side via Ribandar, will beparked at Bhakia Property.
Panaji – Old Goa (via Kadamba By-Pass) Vehicles: Vehicles coming from Panaji side via Kadamba By-Pass (NH-748), will be diverted near Kamat Gas Station to proceed for parking at Bhakia property taking left near St. AugustinTower junction.

South Goa side Vehicles: Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers coming from South Goa side will be parked at Ella Farm, at Animal Husbandry Premises and at Open Space on either side of highway near Neura Junction. Two Wheelers will also be parked in private property prior to Neura junction.

Ponda side Vehicles: Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers coming fromPondaside, will be parked at open ground near Pinto Garage. Two Wheelers will alsobeparked at two open plots belonging to Mr. Colaco and Mr. Sequeira oppositetotheresidence of Ex. MLA Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar.

Diwar Side Vehicles: Two Wheelers and Four Wheelers coming from Diwar Ferry will be parked in the courtyard of ST. Cajetan church. Parking for Church Vehicles: Priest’s Vehicles will be parked in the compound behind Basilica of Bom Jesus. Church Volunteers vehicles will beparked in the asphalted parking area behind Sulabh Souchalaya.

Road Closure

The Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa has also issued an order of Road Closure. From the stretch of road between Old Goa Church junctiontoGandhi Circle will be closed for all types of vehicles except emergency vehicles like Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade. The ring round road fromOldGoaChurch junction via St. Catherine Chapel/ Arch of Conception / Petrol Pump/ OldGoa Police Station to the residence of Ex. MLA, Shri. Pandurang MadkaikartoOld Goa Church junction will be ONE WAY from Old Goa Church junction towards Diwar side and “NO ENTRY” from the Village Panchayat OldGoa junction towards Ex. MLA, Shri. Pandurang Madkaikar house.