Progress of all students from preprimary to Std 12th to be now tracked through 11 digit PEN


    Digital Goa, May 2 –  Each preprimary, primary, school and higher secondary student in the State will now be assigned a unique Permanent Education Number (PEN).The number will  be used by the Education Department to track the progress of the student and more specifically to track and bring dropouts back into the system. The Central govt initiative is part of implementation of the National Education Policy 2020.  Director of Education, Shailesh Zingde has asked all schools and higher secondary’s across Goa to share the unique 11 digit PEN with all the students. The unique number has been generated for each student from Pre-Primary to Std XII on the UDISE+ portal ( The education department has asked all the Heads of Govt. ,Govt aided, unaided primary, secondary, higher secondary and special schools to share this Permanent Education Number (PEN) with all its students. PEN of the student along with the U-DISE Code of the will also have to be mandatorily mentioned on the Leaving Certificate of the student. The Department of School Education & Literacy (DOSEL), New Delhi has incorporated the student wise tracking system in U-DISE+ from the year 2022-23, so that the drop out children are identified and brought back into the education system. Subsequently, PEN would be issued to parents, teachers, administrators and community members interacting with the student as defined in National Digital Enterprise Architecture (NDEAR).