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Penalty of Rs 10 per cubic meter to be imposed on bulk water users releasing untreated sewage


Sept 12 – Penalty of Rs 10 per cubic metre of water will be imposed on bulk users of water who don’t treat the water after its use and release untreated sewage. “Every Bulk user of water shall treat sewage, before its release, by adopting the standards as specified by the Goa State Pollution Control Board, failing which, he shall be charged a penalty of Rs. 10/- per cubic meter of water supplied to him or part thereof,” states the notification amending the Goa Irrigation Act. Bulk user means any person including an institution, a company or an establishment, whether Government or not, including restaurant, hotel, multi dwelling unit, water treatment plant, desalination plant, or any other commercial or industrial establishment, or an establishment dealing with activity of construction, whose consumption of water exceeds 3000 cubic meters per day.