Home Crime Police tighten noose over criminal elements ahead of festive season

Police tighten noose over criminal elements ahead of festive season


Oct 24- Police have identified 100 history sheeters in North Goa based on their previous criminal backgrounds ahead of the festive season. Maximum i.e. 17 history sheeters have been identified in Old Goa Police Jurisdiction followed by 15 each at Calangute and Mapusa. Interesting, just 2 history sheeters have been checked at Anjuna Police Station which lies in the active tourist belt. Surveillance on known offenders has been increased, while all stations are actively identifying new criminals for tracking. Additionally, externment proceedings against habitual offenders are being coordinated with the District Collector to further strengthen preventive measures. These efforts aim to ensure public safety and prevent potential criminal activity during the festive period. While checking, a lot of emphasis is being put on identifying their present sources of income, new modes of communication, and the company they are keeping.Based on this information, Police Stations are also updating their history sheets, informed SP North.