NGPDA invites objections from public within 30 days on Land Use Map  of Panaji Planning Area


    Digital Goa, Sept 26 – North Goa Planning & Development Authority(NGPDA) has invited objections and suggestions if any from citizens on the Land Use Map and Land Use Register for Panaji Planning Area (Part), Comprising of part area of village Penha de Franca, Bardez. Objections if any, are to be submitted in writing to the NGPDA within 30 days from Sept 25,2023. The authority will hear all the concerned persons who submit their objections. Copies of the present Land Use Map and Land Use Register are available for inspection for the general public at the office of Village Panchayat Penha de Franca, Brittona, Bardez and NGPDA office at Archdiocese Bldg, 1st Floor, Mala, Panaji on any working days during office hours only, states an NGPDA release.