Govt asks private hospitals to refrain from sending patients in their last stage to GMC Hospital


    Digital Goa, Jan 13 – Goa government has issued a circular to heads of all the private hospitals in the state, asking them to refrain from referring patients to GMC Hospital when they are at the last stage. The circular points out that instances have come to the notice of the Government that many patients of private hospitals are kept in the private facilities for several days and sent out of the hospital only when the patient is on the last stage and the private hospital is not able to do anything and such patients are referred to GMC. The circular issued by Under Secretary Health calls for investigation of such cases and action on private hospitals following such practices. “Such cases have to be investigated and an action has to be taken on such private hospitals. It is very important that such cases should not be allowed to happen. The HOD of the Institution, when giving admission to any patient in the hospital must know exactly the detailed history of the patient,” the circular adds.