Weekly  Bazaar takes precedence over Mhadei diversion; Permission to mega Mhadei rally revoked


    Digital Goa, Jan 12  –  Sakhali Municipal Council(SMC) has revoked permission granted to the meeting on Mhadei diversion issue at Sakhali Municipal ground on Monday, Jan 16. The meeting was organised as part of Opinion Poll day program. SMC had granted permission for the meeting on Jan 9 to the applicant Aditya Bhange. Activists and concerned citizens from across the state were gearing up to attend the mega rally at Sakhali organised to protest against Mhadei diversion by Karnataka. Sakhali Municipal Chief Officer Kabir Shirgaonakar has said in his letter that the permission for the meeting has been revoked on account of ‘possibility’ of traffic congestion and commotion on the weekly Bazaar day at Sakhali Market. CO also claimed that representation has been received by SMC office from Sakhali Vyapari Sanghatan today expressing their concern of possible crowd and traffic congestion on the day of weekly bazaar due to mass meeting thereby causing inconvenience to public at large.