Home News Ravindra Bhavans in Sanguem and Mapusa in the offing, says Art &...

Ravindra Bhavans in Sanguem and Mapusa in the offing, says Art & Culture Minister Govind Gaude


July 29 – Art and Culture Minister Govind Gaude today informed the house that the govt has decided to construct Ravindra Bhavan for Bardez taluka. He urged the MLAs to suggest a suitable place for this Ravindra Bhavan in Bardez. Replying to demands in the assembly today, he said that the Ravindra Bhavan in Sanguem is in the pipeline and the govt has already appointed a consultant for design and planning for Ravindra Bhavan in Sanguem. The Goa govt is in the process of formulating a library policy and the same will be launched soon, he added. The Air Conditioners in Central Library are working now and no books were damaged because of non functioning of ACs in Central Library earlier, he said.