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Remove illegal cables from poles within 10 days : Electricity Dept’s ultimatum to internet and cable network operators


Feb 3- Electricity Dept has issued a public notice to internet and cable network providers to remove all illegal cables and infrastructure from the electricity poles and other electricity “Furniture” within 10 days. The illegal cables, OFC and other illegal infrastructure on Electricity Poles are without valid permissions, without any survey and without obtaining stability certificate from this Authority and without following any safety measures, states the notice issued by the Dept. As per the order of the High Court dated Jan 22, the facility providers were supposed to make applications to Electricity Department under the Telecommunication (Right of way) Rules 2024. However, the Authority for Land Acquisition and Property Management of the Electricity Dept has not received any application in this regards, the notice adds. The Dept is also mulling colour coded cables for easy identification.