Home News Revised Solid Waste Management Policy notified

Revised Solid Waste Management Policy notified


Digital Goa, Mar 2 – Goa govt has notified the Revised Solid Waste Management Policy(SWMP). The Policy applies to all waste generators and local bodies in the State of Goa and encompasses generation, segregation, storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of solid waste within the State. Revised SWMP, 2022-2037 shall be valid for a period of fifteen years. As per a detailed survey conducted in 2018, the total solid waste generated in the State of Goa was 766 TPD of which 52% was bio-degradable waste, 45% non-bio-degradable waste and the balance, domestic hazardous and sanitary waste. Of the total solid waste, 61% was generated by the households, 35% was from commercial establishments and another 4% was generated from street sweeping activities. The average per capita solid waste in the State was 484 grams per day (gmpd). “The Policy may include relocation of scrap yards which are set up in violation of existing laws or contrary to the guidelines laid out by the GSPCB. In such cases, the owner of the scrap yard will either have to acquire land on their own or the same may be made available by GIDC based on pre-determined terms and conditions, in order to carry on operations,” states the policy document.
Solid Waste Management Policy https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-48-SI-SUG-1.pdf