Home News Rules to prevent sale of agricultural land to non-agriculturists finally notified

Rules to prevent sale of agricultural land to non-agriculturists finally notified


Digital Goa, Oct 20- Goa govt has finally notified the rules to stop the sale of agricultural land to non-agriculturists. State Revenue Dept today notified the Goa Restrictions on Transfer of Agricultural Land Rules, 2023 nearly seven months after the Act was passed by the State Legislative Assembly. As per the rules, an agriculturist who intends to buy agricultural land needs to produce a Krishi Card or a certificate showing that he or she is an agriculturist before the registering authority. “Any person who cultivates agricultural land in the state may make an application to the mamlatdar for a certificate that he or she is an agriculturist. The mamlatdar may conduct a local inquiry as deemed fit and issue such a certificate,” the rules said. After acquiring agricultural land, the person has to take up agriculture within three years from the date of acquisition of the land and continue to carry agriculture, failing which, such land shall vest in the government, upon expiry of said period of three years or from the date of abandonment or discontinuation of agriculture, the rules said. As per the rules, individual or Industrial or Commercial undertaking or Co-operative farming society can also purchase agricultural land for carrying out agriculture. State assembly had passed the Goa Restrictions on Transfer of Agricultural Land Act, 2023 in March this year.
Notification https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-29-SI-SUG-1.pdf