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SOP for monitoring, detection, prevention and to act upon unauthorized extraction of minor minerals


1. The Flying Squads constituted vide orders dated 11-09-2018 and 29-08-2022 shall continue to function in terms of the said orders.

2. Revenue Department:

a. The Talathis shall be responsible to report any cases of illegal extraction of minor minerals within their jurisdiction to the Mamlatdar.

b. The Mamlatdar, along with local Police, shall initiate action in the matter immediately and file complaint, register FIR, if necessary.

c. The Mamlatdar shall thereafter inform DMG, PWD, Transport Dept., WRD, Forest, for taking further necessary action.

3. Police Department:

a. The Police Inspector shall be responsible to maintain a vigil and take action in cases of illegal extraction of minor minerals in his respective jurisdiction.

b. The Police Inspector shall initiate action in detected cases of unauthorized extraction of minor minerals, detain offenders, register FIR, complaint and seize the equipment/ /machinery/vehicles and illegally extracted mineral.

c. The Police Inspector shall thereafter inform Revenue Dept., DMG, PWD, Transport Dept., WRD, Forest, for taking further necessary action.

d. The Police Inspector shall provide necessary support and assistance to the Mamlatdar and DMG as and when requested.

4. Directorate of Mines and Geology:

a. The Geologist/Junior Geologist in his allotted jurisdiction conduct surprise inspections at regular intervals and initiate suitable action.

b. The survey team from DMG shall explore possibilities of utilizing geomapping/Google Images/other technologies in detection of visible unauthorized extraction and report to the Flying Squad in-charge.

5. Other Departments:

a. Departments like Forest, WRD, Transport, Captain of Ports etc. shall maintain vigil in their respective local jurisdiction and report to the local Police.

b. They shall provide assistance to the Mamlatdar, Police and DMG when required.

All the above directions shall be strictly followed and enforced upon