Home News St Inez road stretch may cave-in over next 2 months; exercise caution:...

St Inez road stretch may cave-in over next 2 months; exercise caution: Smart City officials


Digital Goa, Feb 22- Warning of the possibility of localised caving in of road over the next 2 months, Smart City officials have asked commuters to exercise caution while travelling along the road stretch from Caculo Mall to Bridge near Tonca STP at St. Inez, Panaji. Elaborating on the reasons for the possibility of localised settlement of road, a release by Smart City states that the HDPE sewerage pipeline along this road, is laid through trenchless method of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). “The approximate size of the bore is close to 1 metre. Considering the large bore size, there is a possibility that the gaps/voids between the drilled bore for the pipe and the pipe laid would be naturally filled with surrounding soil due to high water table and there is a possibility that this may lead to localised settlement of road in the above mentioned stretch in the next two months,” states the release. In case any settlement of the road area is noticed, IPSCDL has asked citizens to report such incidents on office@imaginepanaji.com or to the nodal officers Mukund Malik- 8806814440 and Sameeuddin Sheikh – 8956225888, so as to enable immediate remedial action.