Home Politics State to see three G20 meetings in June; ‘Goa Declaration’ also to...

State to see three G20 meetings in June; ‘Goa Declaration’ also to be released


Digital Goa, May 25 – Goa will see three G20 meetings in June 2023. The 3rd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting will be held from June 5 to 7. The 4th Tourism Working Group Meeting will be held on June 19 & 20 and Tourism Ministers Meeting will be held on June 21 and 22. The Ministerial communique that will emerge from the G20 discussions of the Tourism Working Group, to be called the ‘Goa Declaration’ will be released after the meetings. A roadmap and an action plan for tourism as a vehicle for achieving sustainable development goals and a ministerial communique endorsing it will be released after the last meeting of the G20 Tourism Working Group in Goa in June. The third G20 Tourism Working Group (TWG) meeting was held in Srinagar for the last two days i.e. May 23 & 24. “The second day of the 3rd G20 TWG meeting saw successful deliberations among member countries to outline the path ahead to the Goa Declaration,” tweeted Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy.