Digital Goa, Sept 3 – Taleigao Panchayat has issued vacation notice to 72 dwelling units in 3 buildings of CCP Quarters located at Camara Bhat, Taleigao stating that the buildings need to be demolished as they are old and unsafe. “The said buildings are dangerous to any person occupying to or passing by such building and fall/ collapse of the buildings is imminent and therefore the said Buildings are required to be pulled down to avoid damage to human life and property immediately,” states the notice issued to the residents of the 72 dwelling units of CCP Quarters located at Camara Bhat in Survey no 108/1 of Village Taleigao. The panchayat has said in the notice that the buildings are over 58 years old structural audit report of the three buildings has indicated that they have outlived their economic life and are in distressed condition as they have been neglected for years with no maintenance being done by the tenants. Panchayat has given vacation notice to the residents and they have been directed to submit their say or objections if any with documentary evidence. Panchayat shall proceed further to pull down or demolish the said buildings as per The Goa Panchayat Raj Act 1994, if no objections are received, the notice further adds.