Home Crime Taluka level Quick Response Teams formed to deal with Forest fires in...

Taluka level Quick Response Teams formed to deal with Forest fires in South Goa


Dec 16- State District Disaster Management Authority has constituted Quick Response Teams at Subdivision Level in 7 talukas of South Goa to deal with incidents of forest fires. The Quick response teams have been constituted for the South Goa talukas of Salcete, Mormugao, Quepem, Canacona, Sanguem, Dharbandora, and Ponda. Each team comprising of 7 members is headed by Dy Collector and SDO of Subdivision as chairperson , Mamlatdar of the Taluka is the Member Secretary and Deputy Superintendent of Police of Subdivision, BDO of concerned block, Subdivisional Forest Officer, Fire Officer, Fire Station Officer-In-charge of jurisdiction and Medical , Health Officer of Primary, Urban or Community Health Center or Sub District Hospital of jurisdiction have been appointed as members.