TCP ‘corrects’ zone of 48,200 sqm land at Assagao from natural cover to settlement


    Digital Goa, June 1 – Town & Country Planning Department has ‘corrected’ the zone of 48,200 sqm of land at Assagao from natural cover to settlement zone. The land has been ‘inadvertently’ marked as natural cover in Regional Plan of Goa(RPG) 2021 and has been ‘corrected’ on request of an applicant as per provision under 17(2) of TCP Act, states the notification issued in this regards. The notification however does not name the applicant. “And whereas, the Government has considered the said Reports and it is of the opinion that alteration/modification is necessary to be carried out to the RPG-2021 for the purpose of rectifying inadvertent error that has occurred in the RPG-2021 and it has directed the Chief Town Planner (Planning) to carry out alteration/modification to the RPG-2021 for the purpose of correcting/ /rectifying the zone of the said plot of land admeasuring an area of 48200m2 which is earmarked as Natural Cover zone as per RPG-2021, to Settlement zone by issuing Notification under sub-section (2) of Section 17 of the said Act,” states the notification.
    ▪️ 919 sqm paddy field at Raia and 1810 sq mtr at Assagao ‘corrected’ to settlement zone
    Under provisions of the same act, TCP has also notified ‘correction’ of 919 sqm land at Raia, Salcete from Paddy Field and 1810 sqm at Assagao from Natural Cover to Settlement zone.