Home News TCP dept ‘corrects’ 3 properties admeasuring 4,118 sq mtr to settlement zone

TCP dept ‘corrects’ 3 properties admeasuring 4,118 sq mtr to settlement zone


Digital Goa, June 30 – Department of Town & Country Planning has notified ‘correction’ in Regional Plan 2021 for 3 properties admeasuring 4,118 sq mtr and changed their zones to settlement zones using provisions of 17(2) under TCP Act . Zones of two properties, 3275 sq mtr land (surveyed under Survey No. 35, sub-division No. 3) at Village Sao Jose De Areal, Salcete and 248 sq mtr land ( surveyed under Survey No. 150, sub-division No. 15-J) at Village Raia, Salcete have been changed from paddy fields to settlement zone while 595 sq mtr land( surveyed under Survey No. 91, sub-division No. 16) at Village Moira, Bardez has been converted from Orchard with No Development Slope to settlement zone.