Digital Goa, Feb 12 – Goa State Pollution Control Board will hold Environmental Public Hearing for Advalpale-Thivim Mineral Block on March 15,2024 at Bicholim for ascertaining the concerns of the affected persons who can express their views or seek information or clarifications from the project proponent. The public hearing is to be held in accordance with Environmental Impact Assessment 2006 for Block V- Advalpale-Thivim Mineral Block with area of 36.2202 Ha Located at Village Adwalpale of Bicholim Taluka and Tivim Village of Bardez Taluka, North Goa District Goa for the production of 0.3 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of iron ore by M/s. Fomento Resources Private Limited. The Public hearing will be held on March 15 from 10.30 am onwards at Bicholim Gymkhana, Hirabai Zantye Memorial Hall, Near Santadurga High School, Bicholim. The participants who intend to express their views and speak have to register their names separately from 9.30 am to 12.00p.m. on the day of the hearing. Hard/ Soft copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report along with Executive Summary in Konkani and English submitted by the project proponent is made available for reference at Mines Dept, all concerned panchayats and municipalities, Collectorate and all related offices. The soft copies are also available of website of Goa State Pollution Control Board i.e. states the public notice in this regards.